Tuesday, March 13, 2007

March Madness

It's that time of year again . . . March Madness!!

Stats from the front page of yesterday's Rocky Mountain News . . .

There are 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 total number of ways to fill out a bracket.

Odds of a perfect bracket? 9.2 quintillion-to-1.

30 million Americans will participate in office pools this year.

$1.2 billion - How much U.S. employers will lose in productivity during the tourney.


Dave Clark said...

March madness is my favorite sporting event ever. My wife dreads it when it comes because it is non-stop basketball for 3 weekends.

I still have to make my picks, but my pesky work just gets in the way.

Wheels said...

Totally . . . I was the worst teacher today. I showed the kids Flushed Away (recent animated movie . . . very funny!) and worked on my "picks". Those darn CSAP tests ruin the day anyway.

Lot's of reading and research, and two hours later my final four is 3 #1 seeds and a #2. You know that aint happening!

Back to the drawing board . . . if I can find any time tonight.